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More than a thousand oak trees were planted on the territory of forestry near Ivano-Frankivsk: foresters assured that the trees will take root

22 of April, 2016


Today, April 22, in the forest near the village of Nova Huta, near Ivano-Frankivsk, a large-scale planting of young oaks was held. The action was initiated by representatives of the Public Council under the regional management of forestry and hunting.

Today, more than a thousand saplings of young oak trees were planted on the territory of the Ivano-Frankivsk Forest Farm and the Carpathian Military Forest Farm, Firtka's correspondent reports. Forestry workers with the help of activists of the Civic Council and "Samooborona" undertook the planting of the forest.

In addition, students of the Precarpathian National University cleaned the surrounding area. Deputies of the Maidanivka village council were invited to visit and plant trees, but none came.

According to Petro Adamchuk, the head of the forest state enterprise "Ivano-Frankivsk Forestry", forestry is engaged in both cutting down and reforestation.

"We are very pleased that public organizations contribute to the restoration of the forest and participate in it. Today, we are planting the main forest-forming species - oak," said Adamchuk.

The chief forester also assured that there is no massive illegal logging in the forestry territory, and landings are carried out regularly.

However, Petro Mateyko, the secretary of the Public Council under the regional forestry and hunting management, noted that they received appeals from citizens regarding illegal felling in these forests, near the villages of Maidan and Nova Huta.

"We didn't choose the place for nothing. The Public Council conducted an official investigation into appeals from citizens regarding illegal felling in these forests. We recorded a large-scale felling, checked a lot of documentation, made many trips here and finally reached an agreement with the foresters. Today's disembarkation is being carried out in accordance with the territory restoration project," Mateyko said.

In addition, Petro Mateyko noted that in the future the public council will join the work of the land inventory commissions of these settlements. Because their territory "suddenly" increases, while the forest decreases. The situation is the same in the territory of the neighboring Prykarpatsky Military Forest Farm. Recently, activists recorded cutting down of oak trees in Lukyvtsi Military Forestry.

Therefore, doubts arose about its legality. However, the chief forester Vasyl Shalamaga assured that all the felling of the forest was carried out according to the plan and was legal. According to him, the trees are more than 70 years old, some of them were sick and had to be cut down. However, he was unable to demonstrate the acts of inspection of the trees that were to be removed today. To which Petro Mateyko noted that the State Environmental Inspection refused to provide the activists with a report on the recently conducted inspection of these fellings. As a result, the Public Council has doubts about the legality of logging. Therefore, the activists decided to check whether forest plantations are being restored at the place of felled oaks.

"New trees are planted regularly and in large quantities", - assured Shalamaga.

In confirmation of his words, he demonstrated the planting of young trees and promised that next year they can be seen in the same place.