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A century-old tourist route is planned to be restored on the territory of the Carpathian National Nature Park

20 February, 2023


Recently, representatives of the NGO " Prava Ta Poriadku" worked on the territory of the Carpathian National Park within the framework of the "Improving recreational capacity in Ukrainian protected and forested areas", which is implemented with the support of the International Program of the US Forest Service (U.S. Forest Service International Programs).
Since 2005, the US Forest Service has been implementing a number of projects aimed at building Ukraine's capacity to combat climate change, prevent and combat forest fires, preserve biodiversity, protect nature and other areas, cooperating with state institutions and departments, scientific and non-governmental institutions .
The mentioned project provides a number of measures aimed, in particular, at carrying out an expert analysis of the current legislation on the administrative management of nature conservation areas and improving their recreational attractiveness. As part of the planned activities, it is also envisaged to improve the websites of the pilot parks, through the development of additional software tools, educational activities, as well as the restoration of recreational, tourist and infrastructure.

"Now we are at the stage of selecting infrastructure objects that will be implemented within the scope of this project," said Mykola Turyk, the project manager. "Among the inspected, in terms of recreation and tourism, we were most interested in the ecological and educational trail "Urochyshche Zhenets-Polonina Yavirnyk", which was laid at the beginning of the last century, however, today it is in an inadequate condition and needs restoration. In addition, we are considering options for arranging a parking area near Khomyak Mountain on the territory of an abandoned quarry, which will make it possible to simultaneously solve several issues related to, in particular, the regulation of spontaneous ascent to this mountain, as well as the reduction of accidents. Because, today, due to the lack of designated parking space, tourists are forced to leave their vehicles along the roadsides. Thereby, they harm the environment and endanger their own lives and the lives of local residents," said Mykola Turyk.

"Cooperation with international partners is extremely important for us, because it makes it possible to implement projects that, due to the current circumstances in the country, we cannot implement on our own. The experience of our colleagues from the USA in organizing and structuring the work of parks, increasing their recreational attractiveness, as well as digitalization, which is an irreversible and promising process in the world, is extremely important. Therefore, I presented a number of objects and locations on which we are currently working, as well as those that require priority attention," said the head of the park, Stepan Goshovskyi.


Information: the ecological and educational trail "Zhenets-Polonina Yavirnyk Tract" was laid in the 20s of the last century. It originates from the administrative building of the Zhenetsk nature protection and research department. The length of the trail is 4.2 km, the duration of the transition is 4 hours. Height above sea level: starting point – 650 m, ending point – 1221 m, height gain – 700 m.
Passing through a serpentine path, the trail covers natural complexes with various landscapes of forest and subalpine zones and is located in a zone of regulated recreation. Its lower part is located on the slopes of landslide and scree wear, the steepness of which in some places reaches 50-60 degrees. The slopes are covered with boulders, crushed stone, and boulders belonging to the small gravity relief types. The ridge and the peak on which the path leads take a rounded shape. A part of the road, paved with stones, which was used for the passage of carriages, has been preserved to this day.