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In the city of Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region, a water object was identified for future research

12 on May , 2023


As part of the project "Improving the state of water intakes and resilience to climate change in Ukraine", which is implemented with the support of the International Program of the US Forest Service (U.S. Forest Service International Programs) in the city of Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region, at the intersection of Pekarska, Hrushevsky, Rubchak streets, carried out an inspection of the water object for the purpose of conducting laboratory studies in order to determine the state and parameters of the water and their compliance with the norms, as well as search for sources of water pollution and ways to eliminate them.


As experts of the Kalush City Council reported, this reservoir with an approximate area of 0.2081 hectares was formed more than 80 years ago on a silty terrain as a result of the accumulation of atmospheric precipitation and the increase in the water capacity of soil sources. The mentioned object is surrounded on one side by residential streets of the city, on the opposite side by an enterprise, which is used as a warehouse, as well as a religious building. The plot of 1.2897 hectares, on which the water facility is located, is owned by the city and has approved technical documentation with land management.
"It is important that no research was conducted on this object before. Therefore, thanks to this program, we will have the opportunity to obtain hydromorphological, biological, chemical, physico-chemical data, as well as determine the general level of clogging and silting," said project manager Mykola Turyk.


"When solving the issue of improving the state of the indicated water body, in particular, determining the sources of pollution and finding ways to eliminate them, close interaction with local authorities is important, in particular, in terms of identifying business entities that, in the course of their activities, can have a harmful effect on the water body object. In addition, the laying and maintenance in proper condition of external and internal water supply communications and water treatment facilities is possible only with the support of the local government," added the head of the organization Petro Mateyko.


"I would also like to draw the attention of those present to the fact that the territory of the city of Kalush, in accordance with the Presidential Decree dated February 10, 2010 and the Law of Ukraine dated February 12, 2010 No. 1885-VI, has been declared a zone of ecological emergency. This is due to the long-term exploitation and deterioration of the technogenic and ecological condition of the Kalush mining district, in particular, after the cessation of the production of potash and magnesium productions, as well as the exploitation of mining sites. Of course, it is unlikely that laboratory studies will show the presence of potassium-magnesium elements or compounds in this water body. However, the request from city residents to determine the state and quality of water is extremely high. Despite this, this area has significant recreational potential. Therefore, cooperation with the NGO "Prava ta Poryadku" in terms of the implementation of this project is extremely important for me, as a representative of this microdistrict of the city of Kalush," said Dmytro Valniuk, deputy of the Kalush City Council.
