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Work on the restoration of the environmental and educational trail "Zhenets-Polonina Yavirnyk Tract" continues

3 May, 2023


Within the framework of the project "Improving recreational capacity in the nature protection and forest territories of Ukraine", which is implemented with the support of the US Forest Service (U.S. Forest Service International Programs) - the representative of the organization Nazarii Dyuk, together with the deputy director of the park - Lyubomir Bezruk and the head of the recreation department M. Panchuk carried out a control ascent along the environmental and educational trail "Zhenets-Polonina Yavirnyk Tract" in order to determine the location and number of signs, as well as their category.


In addition, a survey of the area was carried out for the placement of the observation deck and related auxiliary elements.

Everything that will be implemented within the framework of this project is aimed exclusively at restoring the recreational capacity and potential of the ecological and educational trail "Zhenets-Polonina Yavirnyk Tract"